New Study Says : Coconut Oil Is Better Than Any Toothpaste

It does not contain any added chemicals

Because coconut oil is made naturally and there are no need for additives, you are assured that you are not ingesting any harmful chemicals. Commercial toothpastes usually contain foaming agents which are basically chemicals that can hurt our mouth and our health if ingested. Even compared to other natural toothpaste, coconut oil stands out for being the most organic toothpaste.

It’s cheaper than your ordinary toothpaste

With a few other household items and coconut oil, you can have a coconut oil toothpaste that is way cheaper than commercial toothpastes. Some just even use plain coconut oil, which is equally effective. One jar or coconut oil can last longer than tubes of toothpastes but costs less than one commercial toothpaste.

You can make your own coconut toothpaste

Coconut oil alone is a great toothpaste- just massage it to your teeth and gums and you’re done. Others also add salt, for a “scrub” effect. Others add baking soda which can intensify the bacteria-fighting and whitening of the coconut toothpaste. Want to have a therapeutic toothpaste ? Just add natural essential oils !
Coconut oil is definitely worth the try, so why not start using it now instead of your ordinary toothpaste ? This natural toothpaste can finally make the difference on your smile that you have been looking for. You will definitely find coconut oil as a better and definitely a healthier choice.