How to Lose 50 Pounds in a Quick and Healthy Way

7. Add Vegetables Each Day

Make sure you add vegetables to your daily diet. Eating vegetables can actually add more fiber, minerals, and vitamins to your body.

You will feel full much faster, and at the same time, you will consume fewer calories than usual. Especially bear in mind to consume leafy green vegetables.

You can switch the carbohydrates with vegetables, and in that way, you will cut calories and feel full at the same time.

8. No More Sugar In Your Coffee

If you want you can keep the milk and/or cream that you put in your morning coffee or tea. However, bear in mind to eliminate the sugar.

The sugar is toxic for your body. It actually spikes the insulin, which in turn makes your body hold onto the fat.

9. Alcohol Is For Weekend Only

Alcohol has a lot of calories and sometimes because of alcohol you can feel hungry. You can control the consumption with just drinking on the weekends.

Or per week you can simply consume from 1 to 3 drinks. This might be a struggle for you, because of your previous habits or you might experience pressure from family and friends.

As an alternative to not drink when you are out with friends, you can be the friend that will drive. That is how they won’t pressure you.

And also you will be saved from massive amounts of calories.

10. No More Carbs for Breakfast

If you have more than 50 pounds, that might mean that you have very low insulin sensitivity. Instead of carbs, you can consume healthy fats, vegetables, and protein.

If you have a habit to have a smoothie in the morning, you can continue to do that. You can make a smoothie with protein, healthy fats, greens and half a cup of berries that are low in sugar such as cranberries, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, and blueberries.

Also, what can help you to lose weight is if you get enough sleep. You can have a small amount of carbs that are not processed as an evening meal, and that will help you to sleep better.

11. Offer to Bring Something to Dinner

You don’t have to skip dinners with friends so that you can maintain your diet. You can always offer to bring something, and make sure that is something that you can eat.

So when you go to dinner instead of wondering whether there will be a healthy option or not, bring it yourself.

And bear in mind that on special occasions, you can always say no. And no matter if it’s your friend’s birthday, or you are on holiday with your wife, there is no need for drinks and desserts.

Your goals should be your priority; this is about you. Only you have the power to decide.

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