Get ready for we are about to change your lives for good! What we have in store for you today, is modestly speaking the most powerful natural solution. It’ll make you melt the fat like crazy and lower your cholesterol levels in a heartbeat!
The main and most powerful ingredient in this recipe is baking soda and it deserves most of the credit for helping you burn the accumulated fat on your back, arms, stomach and thighs.
It’s a record-breaking recipe that even medical specialists suggest to help people who have high cholesterol levels.
We bring to you two different alternatives for using baking soda (2 formulas). Rest assured that all of the ingredients are organic and you can find them in all stores.
Thanks to baking soda, a great deal of illnesses have been overcome on account of its unique medicinal properties. Simply do everything listed below in order to be true to the recipe and get the most out of it. It is quick and efficient!
Parsley and Lemon Sodium Bicarbonate:
2 l of purified water
3 lemons
Sodium bicarbonate
2 bunches of parsley
The initial step towards preparing this recipe is washing the lemons with baking soda. The purpose of this is to get rid of all pesticides absorbed in the peel of the lemon. Next, boil the water to purify it and leave it to cool off. Dice the lemon into little bits. Chop the parsley also. Add them to the water together with 2 tablespoons of baking soda. This mixture ought to be secured and covered and kept in the refrigerator. Place it in a glass container the next day. The recommended dose is 100 grams of the tonic on a daily basis. The outcome will blow your mind. You will melt fat, at the same time lowering your cholesterol levels with this incredible DIY recipe!
Apple cider vinegar baking soda
2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
½ a teaspoon of baking soda
1 glass of water
See instructions on the next page