Mother Nature has provided us with a natural elixir that helps us maintain our good health and beauty- water.
Water has the power to provide the needed energy for the entire day, to improve the complexion, enhance health, and help weight loss.
Yet, many people are not really aware of the importance of water for the entire health, and especially if in the case of excess weight. Proper hydration boosts the health and wellbeing and helps the loss of excess pounds.
One survey has shown that most Americans do not consume the recommended amount of water per day, which is likely to be the reason for many issues, including poor weight loss results.
According to a recent study, the consumption of 2 glasses of water before meals helps dieters lose an additional 5 pounds annually, and also helps to maintain that steady weight loss.
If only 2 glasses of water can help you achieve this, can you imagine what could happen if you drink the right amount of water your body requires?
The consumption of the proper water amount of water a day can lower the urge for overeating, and also significantly boost the metabolism. Very often, when the body is dehydrated, it confuses thirst and hunger, and we end up eating when we actually need only water.
Yet, do you know how to calculate the proper amount of water you need to consume according to your body weight?
We will reveal a few simple tips which can help you find it out and thus drink water to lose weight and boost your health:
Find out your current body weight. The needed daily amount of water for your body largely depends on the body weight, so you must accurately know it.
The amount of water needed will normally vary, as, for example, the body of a 200-pound man would need more water, than the one of a 100-pound woman.
Divide the weight in half. To discover how much water you should consume daily, you should divide the body weight, for instance, in case you weigh 180 pounds: 1/2 = 90 ounces, meaning that you should drink 90 ounces of water on a daily basis.
Activity level. The level of activity greatly influences the amount of water as well, as physical activities lead to sweating, which eliminates the water, and you need to compensate for the lost water. Namely, you should add approximately 15 ounces of water for every half an hour of exercise.
Additionally, the following chart will help you calculate the recommended daily intake of water easily:
Also, you may find it hard, especially in the beginning, to increase the amount of water you drink, and some may see it as impossible to consume over 100 ounces a day. Yet, we will provide some extremely useful guidelines which will help you in this.
Initially, you should drink 2 cups of water (16 ounces) before meals, which is at least 48 ounces a day. Also, drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up in the morning, and before going to bed, and in this way, you will drink another 32 ounces, and the rest of water needed should be divided throughout the day.
We also suggest that you use some specific container for water which will help you calculate the amount of water you have consumed.
Source: healthyfoodhouse.com