The sciatic nerve is the biggest nerve in the body, located at the back of the legs, stretching from the buttocks, down to the feet ends.
If inflamed, this nerve might cause severe and intense pain extended from the area below the knee above to the ribs, and even in the back. This pain is often manifested by tingling sensations, numbness, and heaviness in the legs.
This pain and the accompanying symptoms can be traumatizing and aggravate every single motion and the everyday life in general.
The intensity of the pain is determined by the cause of the issue, but it can be relieved with the help of natural remedies and exercise. There are many pain-relieving products on the market, but they treat the symptoms only, and not the root of the problem.
The sciatic nerve pain, as well as the inflammation and pressure, can be treated with the following 10-minute treatment. Depending on the stage of the condition, the effects vary, but it is definitely extremely helpful.
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