Syn Free Dirty Rice

Servings: 3-4

Syns: Syn Free


230g Basmati, Long grain or Wholemeal Rice

500g 2% Turkey Mince or 5% Pork Mince


5 Bacon Medallions or Back bacon with all fat removed, Finely Sliced

2 Tsp Schwartz Cajun Seasoning

1 Tsp Worcestershire Sauce

2 Peppers, Any colours, Finely diced

1 Medium Onion, Red or White, Diced

150ml Of Chicken Stock

1/2 Tsp Garlic Granules

Salt & Pepper


Wash rice, Cook according to the packet and allow to cool before using.

Make Chicken stock and leave to one side.

Spritz a non stick pan with Frylight and add Onions, Peppers, Spring onions and Garlic. Cook until starting to soften.

Add Bacon, Mince and Cajun Seasoning. Cook for 5 minutes ensuring the mince is cooked through.

Add Worcestershire Sauce and Stock. Cover with a lid and simmer for 5 minutes.

Stir in drained cooled rice.. cover with all liquid/sauce and cook until all liquid has disappeared and you are left with delicious Dirty Rice.