Stop Throwing Avocado Seeds and Start Protecting Yourself from Cancer

You are probably familiar with this situation: shop for an avocado, cut it in half, get the flesh and discard of everything including the seeds. We all think that avocado seeds can just be thrown away since it cannot be eaten, right ? Wrong ! Avocado seeds can be eaten and is in fact very healthy. So healthy it is now being thoroughly studied for its benefits.
Avocadoes are known to be one of the healthiest fruits that any person can enjoy. This fruit also has a very big seed and it is mostly discarded until lately. According to some studies, the avocado seeds can help prevent cancer, particularly acute myeloid leukemia or AML. Like any types of leukemia, this type of cancer aggressively attacks the blood cells which affects all the organs of the body.

How Avocado Seeds Protect the Body from Cancer

Just like the flesh of avocado, its seeds are healthy. Here are a few things you can definitely get from avocado seeds.

Avocado Seeds Contain Antioxidants

Antioxidants are important to remove toxins from the body and can strengthen the body’s immune system. The toxins that may accumulate in the body can affect the growth of any tumors or cancer cells. By strengthening the body’s immune system and removing the toxins effectively. The body can have a better chance of preventing diseases including cancer.

Avocado Seeds Contain Flavonol

Flavonols are mostly found in fruits and vegetables and it is one of the best antioxidants that a person can benefit from. These flavonols are effective in removing free-radicals and toxins from the body. Flavonols also provide anti-inflammatory benefits and can help prevent any nerve damage that the body may have from age and other factors.

Avocado Seeds can Regulate the Thyroid

Our thyroid is an important part of the body that regulates the body’s functions. Hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism is caused by any imbalance on the thyroid. Once the thyroid fails, you will likely get diseases and even allow the body to grow cancerous tumors.

Avocado Seeds Contain Dietary Fibers (NEXT PAGE)