Slimming World Shake-up Means These Previously “FREE” Foods Will Now Be Classed As SYNS

A shake-up of the popular Slimming World diet has revealed that some previous guilt free meals are no longer classed as “Syn-free”.

With over 900,000 paying members, Slimming World is one of the UK’s most popular weight loss programmes.

The diet is designed to help you lose about one to two pounds a week and involves free foods and up to 15 “Syns” a day.

Most Syns are treat items, such as sweets and crisps or condiments with meals but some can be healthy extras allowing you to increase portion size.

Under the diet plan, members have been able to freely enjoy a host of pasta and noodle meals and snacks to keep hunger at bay without piling on the pounds.

And for many Mug Shots and Batchelors Pasta ‘n’ Sauce have been the go-to choice when feeling peckish.

But now Slimming World experts have said people need to count the meals as ‘syns’ – along with other similar ones – as the amount of pasta and noodles in them is too low to fill you up.

In advice issued to members and consultants, it says: “The team at our Head Office who look after our food databases are always busy making sure that the guidance you get gives you the very best chance of slimming success.

“Knowing how much the pasta and noodle ‘landscape’ has changed over recent years, they’ve taken a closer look at how they evaluate the different types of pasta and noodles in snack pots and sachets.

“These extra checks have highlighted that these products are not as bulky, filling or satisfying as we thought (in fact the amount of pasta and noodles in some of them is really very low).

“And as a result some that were previously Free now have a small Syn value ranging from ½ Syn to 3 Syns.

Extra checks highlighted that these products ‘are not filling and satisfying’ enough to be classed as syn-free (NEXT PAGE)