The Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Belly Fat – 5 Most Common Mistakes That Cause Belly Fat

Consumption of Carbonated Drinks

Carbonated soft drinks are full of empty calories that affect your waist. Just two glasses of soft drinks a day can cause fat in the abdomen to accumulate 5 times faster. In addition, the huge amount of sugar in soft drinks fosters a desire for food, which is why we eat more than we really need.

Not Enough Sleep

If you aren’t getting enough sleep, even though you’re obviously constantly tired, you are also preventing the removal of belly fat. Research published in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that women who slept only five hours a night are 32 percent more likely to be overweight than those who slept longer.

Due to a lack of sleep during the day, you consume foods with more fat, and ghrelin is the one to blame. The production of the hunger hormone, as it is called, grows because of a lack of sleep.

Tip : To regulate appetite and thus, weight and fat around the stomach, sleep 7-9 hours a night. To sleep better, remove any electronic devices from your room and hold the temperature slightly cooler than the rest of your home. The ideal room temperature for sleeping is around 18 degrees Celsius.

Avoid caffeine late at night and try to keep a regular routine, even if it means getting up at the same time over the weekend.

Eating The Wrong Fat

The body reacts differently to each kind of fat. Studies show that a high intake of saturated fats (such as those in meat and dairy products) increases the accumulation of fat. On the other hand, unsaturated fats that contain omega 3 fatty acids, such as those in nuts, sunflower seeds, salmon, olive oil, and avocados, have beneficial effects on the body.

Tip : Balance your intake of fat because an excessive intake of either saturated or unsaturated fat, will have a negative effect on your body.