9 Proven Ways To Fix The Hormones That Control Your Weight

Your weight is largely controlled by hormones. Research shows that hormones influence your appetite and how much fat you store.

Here are 9 ways to “fix” the hormones that control your weight.


Insulin is a hormone produced by the beta cells of your pancreas. It’s secreted in small amounts throughout the day and in larger amounts after meals. Insulin allows your cells to take in blood sugar for energy or storage, depending on what is needed at the time.

Insulin is also the main fat storage hormone in the body. It tells fat cells to store fat, and prevents stored fat from being broken down. When cells are insulin resistant (very common), both blood sugar and insulin levels go up significantly.

Chronically elevated insulin levels (termed hyperinsulinemia) can lead to many health problems, including obesity and metabolic syndrome

Overeating — especially sugar, refined carbohydrates, and fast food — drives insulin resistance and increases insulin levels

Here are some tips to normalize insulin levels and improve insulin sensitivity:

  • Avoid or minimize sugar: High amounts of fructose and sucrose promote insulin resistance and raise insulin levels
  • Reduce carbohydrates: A low-carb diet can cause an immediate drop in insulin levels.
  • Fill up on protein: Protein actually raises insulin in the short-term. However, it should lead to long-term reductions in insulin resistance by helping you lose belly fat
  • Include plenty of healthy fats: Omega-3 fats found in fatty fish can help lower fasting insulin levels
  • Exercise regularly: Overweight women who walked briskly or jogged had an improvement in insulin sensitivity after 14 weeks in one study
  • Get enough magnesium: Insulin resistant people are often low in magnesium, andmagnesium supplements can improve insulin sensitivity.
  • Drink green tea: Green tea may lower blood sugar and insulin levels.

Bottom Line: Insulin is the main fat storage hormone in the body. Reducing sugar intake, cutting carbs and exercise are the best ways to lower insulin levels.