3 Things That Happen When You Put Your Legs Up Against A Wall Every Day

Yoga offers countless physical and mental benefits, but many people believe that it is too difficult to learn and perform yoga positions.

Yet, you should know that you can start by learning simple poses at first, and then gradually ease your way into the practice.

Viparita Karani is a great start!

It is also known as the Inverted Lake Pose or Legs up the Wall pose and is one of the simplest positions you can perform. However, it offers amazing benefits, like pain and tightness relief, reduced anxiety, and relaxation.

Depending on your abilities, you can pick some of its variations, and by performing it regularly, you will work deeper into the poses and start performing even the most complicated ones.

Legs Straight up the Wall Version

You should lie on the back, with the buttock against the wall, and the legs extended straight up the wall, hip distance apart. The soles should be faced upward, And the arms beside the body or folded across the chest.

Legs in a Wide “V” Version

Start in the same position, but spread the legs into a wider V formation to stretch the groin area.

Soles Together Version

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For an even more intense groin stretch, turn the knees outward, out the soles of the feet together, and press the legs against the wall. Move slowly as this is an intense stretch.

Advanced Version

This is a far more advanced version of the first pose, so make sure you perform it when you are ready for it, and in case you feel any discomfort or pain, stop immediately.

Viparita Karani offers numerous benefits if practiced regularly, as follows: (NEXT PAGE)