Good manners are a sign of politeness, regardless of what others may think. Having good manners means speaking properly, using proper vocabulary, restraining emotions, having a neat and clean appearance, and being courteous.

Therefore, if you want to learn some good manners, take a look at the following etiquette 12 rules:

— Never stare at people, and do not talk or laugh loudly.

— Regardless of your status, age, or profession, you should greet all the people in a room when you enter.

— You should not invite someone to go out with you if you spend the night texting or taking photos.

— When the person in your company meets some people and greets them, you should greet them as well, even though you do not know them.

— Polite men equally respect all women.

— If you are the only one who follows a trend, even though it looks good others will find it ridiculous.

— Be extremely careful of the pedestrians while driving.

— You should never make empty conversations over the phone, and if you are with friends, answer only if it is very important.

— Others will think you are bored or uninterested if you keep checking your phone in their company. Therefore, do not scroll on the Instagram or Facebook, and dedicate yourself to the people who are with you.

— Ladies should not allow men carry their bags, but men should take their coats to the cloakroom.

— As a sign of appreciation, you should thank people when they help you.

— Keep these 9 things to yourself: age, religion, disgrace, honor, affairs, wealth, medical problems, gifts, and family problems.

These rules can really improve our communication and social life, and even though they are quite easy to follow, they can make a huge difference in the world we live in.