If you have ever visited Japan, you have surely wanted to know the secret of Japanese women, who remain young, slim, and beautiful all their life.

Apparently, their youthful appearance and body are due to their cuisine and lifestyle. The Japanese people live and eat healthily, and that is their secret to longevity. Actually, it is home to the highest proportion of people who live more than 100 years in the entire world.

They do not focus on taste only, but they also consider the health benefits of the foods they consume. These are the top 10 reasons why Japanese women look young and slim.

  1. Green Tea

The Japanese people love green tea. The preparation of matcha (powdered green tea) is a real ceremony, which is a Japanese cultural activity.

It is made from the dried leaves of the highest quality, which are then milled into a fine powder, which is added to water.

This tea is extremely delicious and beneficial, and it helps weight loss, lowers the risk of cancer and heart diseases, and it is high in antioxidants that fight free radicals and delay the aging process.

A 2006 study published in JAMA found that adults in Japan who drank higher amounts of green tea had a reduced risk of death due to all causes, and people who had 5 cups of green tea daily had 26 percent lower mortality rates.

  1. Small Portions

The size of your portion is of huge importance, and small portions will help you lose weight, as they help you eat less. Therefore, make sure you do not serve in big portions, and do not fill up the plates.

Also, the Japanese garnish each item on the menu in order to show its natural beauty.

  1. No walking lunches

The Japanese people respect their meal time, so they believe it is rude to eat on the go. While they eat, they do not do anything else, no TV, no work.

They eat slowly, which is also helped by the use of chopsticks, so they stomach has more time to process the food, and the brain gets the signal that it is full.

  1. Fermented Foods

Fermented foods such as miso, kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut, tempeh, and kimchi are often consumed in Japan.

These foods undergo a process of lacto fermentation, which preserves the natural nutrients in food and creates B vitamins, beneficial enzymes, omega-3 fatty acids and various strains of probiotics.

This process promotes friendly intestinal bacteria and breaks down food to a more digestible form, helps weight loss, helps digestion, and eliminates the accumulated harmful toxins and heavy metals from cell tissue.

The findings of a 2014 study published in the Journal of Physiological Anthropology showed that fermented dairy products stimulate the growth of beneficial intestinal microbes.

  1. Martial Arts

Numerous people in Japan practice some form of martial art, like judo,

karate, and aikido, which improve heart health and the muscle flexibility, boost endurance, build muscle strength, slow down aging, and help weight loss.

According to a2013 pilot study published in Clinical Medical Insights: Women’s Health,  martial art exercise lowers inflammation in obese premenopausal and overweight women, improves body composition, and favors bone turnover biomarkers, by increasing bone formation and decreasing bone resorption.

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