10 Food You Might Want To Remove From Your List To Prevent Cancer

Food is one of the most important physiological need of a person. We get our energy mainly from the food we eat. They keep us energized and nourished.  But sadly, not all of these food is safe for your health. Some may even lead to illnesses and severe conditions such as the dreaded cancer.

Here are some foods you enjoy but can actually cause cancer. You may eventually think twice on eating them:

Refined sugar

This type of sugar is dangerous because it can rapidly elevate a person’s insulin level which will feed the cancer cells. Another unpleasant thing about this is that it is GMO or genetically modified sugar beets, meaning a number of chemicals were used to process this food.


Nothing is more refreshing than a can of soda pop in a hot summer day, right? Well, think about gulping this drink next time. Soda has a type of sugar called fructose, believed to be one of the causes of cancer. Another cancer agent in soda is its caramel color, a known carcinogen. The soda’s acidity can also trigger the cancer cells to multiply.

Hydrogenated fats/ vegetable oils

Hydrogenated vegetable oil, contain trans fats, which in any amount is not considered safe. This type of oil is known to be the cause of cancer, heart disease and other serious ailments.
Replace this type of oil with healthier ones like palm oil, coconut oil, or organic butter.

French fries / potato chips

These two crispy and delectable snacks are two of the most dangerous food. Not only are they fried with hydrogenated vegetable oil, they are also heavily salted.  The process these two snacks go through when cooking them is also dangerous, as food cooked in high temperature can cause some food to have acrylamide, which, shockingly, is also found in industrial paints and cigarette smoke. what’s even disturbing is that potato used in these foods are known to be exposed to a lot of chemical, artificial fertilizers, and pesticides, making these two snacks more dangerous to eat.

Processed meat

Processed meat like bacon, lunch meal, and sausage are dangerous. In a study conducted by University of Hawaii, they have concluded that these processed meet increase the risk of pancreatic cancer by 67%. In another study, hotdogs were found to have sodium nitrite, a cancer-causing ingredient attempted to be banned.


It may seem odd to include this food ingredient, but specifically speaking, we pertain to the refined white flour. This type of flour gets its whiteness from bleaching. Chemical residues are still present in food or food ingredients like white flour when they are treated. What’s more is that this highly processed food has high carbohydrate content which affects the blood sugar balance, leading to a higher production of insulin, therefor feeds cancer cells.