How I Lost 21 Pounds With This Weird Lemon Diet in Just 2 Weeks

Day 8 :

6 lemons juice mixed with 6 cups of fresh water.

Day 9 :

5 lemons juice mixed with 5 cups of fresh water.

Day 10 :

4 lemons juice mixed with 4 cups of fresh water.

Day 11 :

3 lemons juice mixed with 3 cups of fresh water.

Day 12 :

2 lemons juice mixed with 2 cups of fresh water.

Day 13 :

1 lemon juice mixed with 1 cup of fresh water.

Day 14 :

3 lemons juice mixed with 10 cups of fresh water (add 1 tbsp. of honey and drink the mix during the day).

The drink should be consumed in one go, but if it is hard for you to drink all at once, drink as much as you can and leave the rest for later. Make sure to drink it one hour before meal at least.

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