Inflammation is your body’s response to injury, infection, allergies, stress or chronic disease. A certain level of inflammation is necessary and helpful, in order for your body to overcome these conditions. Problems arise when the inflammation becomes excessive or continues for too long.
Chronic inflammation greatly contributes to fatigue, pain, low mood and an inability to lose weight. The symptoms of a great variety of health conditions are aggravated by excessive inflammation. It is also thought that long term high levels of inflammation in your body speed up the aging process and increase your risk of heart attacks, strokes and cancer. Inflammation basically causes wear and tear inside your body; it wears your body out more quickly.
The best way to reduce inflammation is to remove or reduce the cause of the problem – for example, treat the infection, or remove the allergens or stress that are creating inflammatory chemicals.
Another way to overcome excess inflammation is to eat foods with natural anti-inflammatory actions. Think of these foods as a wet blanket over a fire.
Your blood type diet is the restoration of your natural genetic rhythm. Your blood type diet works because you are able to follow a clear, logical, scientifically researched plan based on your cellular profile.
Each food groups are divided into three categories: Highly beneficial (food that acts like Medicine), Foods allowed (food that are no harm to the blood type) and Foods not allowed (food that acts like a Poison).
Coconut oil has enormous benefits to your immune system and digestive system. It is also quite a heat stable fat, meaning it tolerates high temperature cooking well and does not become oxidized and damaged like most vegetable oils.
Coconut oil is rich in medium chain fatty acids, particularly lauric acid, which is very easy to digest and your liver uses it easily for energy. The good fats in coconut oil have antimicrobial properties, and help to promote a healthy balance of good microbes in your digestive tract. Coconut oil is also very satiating; including some in your diet regularly can help to greatly reduce sugar and carbohydrate cravings.
Avocados are also full of healthy fats. In this case the fats are primarily monounsaturated. Monounsaturated fats do not raise inflammation in the body like some omega 6 rich polyunsaturated fats can. They are also beneficial for the health of your arteries, and help maintain healthy blood pressure. Putting some avocado in your salad for lunch can help you feel full for longer, therefore not feel the need to snack on candy in the afternoons.
Can you spot the common theme? Many of the best anti-inflammatory foods are high in fat. Most natural fats are highly anti-inflammatory, whereas processed vegetables oils high in omega 6 fats are often pro-inflammatory.
Oily fish is high in omega 3 fats, which promote the production of pain relieving prostaglandins (a type of hormone) in the body. This means fish oil can help to alleviate painful conditions such as arthritis, menstrual cramps and fibromylgia. By reducing inflammation in your artery walls, fish oil can help to reduce atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and blood clots. Most fish is also a rich source of the mineral selenium. Selenium is excellent for individuals with autoimmune disease because it can help reduce the production of auto-antibodies. Selenium is also necessary for glutathione production, and glutathione is the body’s own powerful antioxidant. The other benefit of selenium is it helps your body overcome viral infections. Chronic, low grade viral infections are a common cause of ongoing fatigue and elevated inflammation.
Examples of oily fish high in omega 3 fats and selenium include wild salmon, trout, mackerel, herrings, sardines, mullet and anchovies. If you do not consume these fish species regularly, you may wish to consider taking a fish oil supplement and a selenium supplement.